The Academy Gallery is one of the most famous museum of the Toscany region. It was built during the eighteenth century and it is situated not far from the Academy of Fine Arts, in the heart of Florence. This museum was commissioned by Pietro Leopoldo. This man wanted to unify all the school of drawing in Florence into a single Academy.

Then both the Academy Gallery and the future classrooms were designed and after restructured during the eighteenth century by Gaspare Maria Paoletti.
The Academy Gallery is very important because of its main statue of “David�, a work of art of Michelangelo.
While in the first room contains the work of art of Giambologna, a plaster model made of marble sculptures of the Rape of the Sabines.

The Grand Duke decided to include music (the Cherubini Conservatory) and restoration (the Opificio delle Pietre Dure) among the arts.

Beyond other beautiful pieces of art of our most famous Italian artists, inside the Academy Gallery you can see musicals instrument of the “Conservatory of Luigi Cherubini�, which are collocated inside the Academy Gallery at the museum of musicals instrument.
Come to see this marvellous and artistic museum personally!!


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