The marvelous Piazza Santa Maria Novella is one of the main squares of the Florentine city. Piazza Santa Maria Novella had been built in the thirties of the fourteenth century. The original function of Piazza Santa Maria Novella was that to welcome the faithful of the Dominican Friar. Successively it becomes scenery of shows and parties, where antique customs and old traditions were mixied creating a suggestive and exciting sets. Thanks to its huge dimensions, Piazza Santa Maria Novella in the past time was a common place where to organize parties and popular manifestations.

During the past time the Piazza Santa Maria Novella was also a very good place where to play soccer. During the party of San Giovanni a typical play was the “Palio dei Cocchi” (the Chariot Game). This traditional play inspired to the runs of the Chariot of the antique Romans. The Horses have to follow a rout with a egg-shaped. The manifestation was followed by numerous spectators, such as the Grand Duchy. 
Piazza Santa Maria Novella still today gives to the tourists suggestive impression and numerous emotions as original souvenir of their holiday.
Come to see Piazza Santa Maria Novella and you will enjoy your full-time with your family and friend.  


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