In this section you will find any useful information about Florence city. The essential points and that of major interest for the tourist definitely are:

- How to get Florence city with car, train, airplane and ship;
- Hot to move into the heart of the city of Florence and around its neighborhoods;
- Supplying of useful number, such as security, overnight stay and taxi;
- Updating of meteorological information about Florence and other surrounding cities;
- Presetting of the map of Florence city
All these useful information represent the fundamental points especially to who loves organize own holidays in a original way without disturbing to do anything else and without spending money booking the hotel making a phone call.

This section will give you the opportunity to book everything from your own home, just with only a click from your home pc.

Useful information about holidays and daily sightseeing is the most important information to organize very well own journey, such as which cities to visit  and how searching it and which choice is the best between many others; which natural itineraries cross along; which places and which destinations to get with own car or with public transportation; events and shows, etc.


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