The history of Florence begins in 59 A.D. with the foundation of a small village made of Roman soldier. This small village is called “Florentia”. The village after a short period are dominated by other progenies, such as: the French domain, the Longobardo domain, the Ostrogoto domain and the Bizantino domain.
At the beginning of the X century the city of Florence has known the urban development and from that time on the small village has had “Golden Time”, for example the birth of the autonomous Town Hill. Florence during all that centuries was able to reign on the whole Tuscany region, except the Republic of Lucca, which remained independent till the arrive of Napoleon.

During that time Florence was well populated and the major part of the citizen worked in the wool industry.
In the principal squares of Florence there were a lot of shows and demonstrations. After this “Golden Time” , Florence fell under the domain of the Medici progeny.

The first period under the domination of the Medici ended with the return of a Republic Government, which has been influenced by the teachings of the radical Girolamo Savonarola.

Another fundamental point of the history of Florence is the famous day of the big flood: the 4th November 1966.

This big flood damaged the major part of the works of art realized centuries ago by the most famous Italian artist.

But Florence is still now one of the most beautiful and noteworthy city in the world.  


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