Independence Square is situated in one of the most beautiful squares of Florence: in the historical centre Florentine.

The design of the huge Independence Square goes back up to the nineteenth century, where had been taken place one of the most important events of the historical period of Florence.
In fact in this marvelous square had been organized the Insurrection which had been able to chase away from the Florentine territory the Grand Duchy Leopoldo II. The Insurrection had been guided by Ricasoli and Mazzini and it had been organized by the National Society of Florence. After the Insurrection the region of Tuscany had been annexed to the Sardine Kingdom.

Originally the Independence Square was called the “Barbano Square” and then “Mary Antonia Square”. After the Independence period had been conferred to the Square the last noble title that still today testimony the events of that century.

On the Square there are numerous Palaces with different architect style belong to the nineteenth and the twentieth century periods.

The luxury and the beauty of these structures are a typical characteristic of the Florence Palace, thanks also to its marvelous decorations and spectacular polychromatic marbles.


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