The Basilica of St Lawrence represents one of the major basilicas of Florence. It is situated o the St Lawrence Square, one of the most famous place where there is often shopping markets. The architecture of the Basilica of St Lawrence is the most beautiful and the most important masterpiece of the whole structure, because it was the first time and it was the first building to which was applied Renaissance Style. The building of the Basilica of St Lawrence is seen as one of the greatest examples of the new style.

Its features are: the decision to use the dark stone for the structure; the use of entablatures, arches and column for the decorations; the use of determinate proportions; the spectacular play of space of columns and pilaster; etcetera.
Following the most important works of art that you can see in the Basilica of St Lawrence:
- The tomb of Giovanni and Pieri de Medici designed by Verrocchio
- The two pulpits, the masterpiece of Donatello
- The marvelous fresco of Martyrdom of St Lawrence by Bronzino.

Talking about the funerary monuments, the most famous are: the tomb of the whole De’ Medici Family, the tomb of Bernardo Cennini and the tomb of Francesco Landini.

Come to sightseeing the city of Florence with all its beautiful monuments and masterpieces.


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