In Florence  you can find numerous squares that are visited by many tourists from all over the world to admire the marvelous works of art of our major Italian artists. If you are curious to find out, apart from the squares of Florence which are very note in all the world, the little hide squares that surround th whole city of Florence, here there are some suggestions for you:

- St Marc Square, Florence: Historical centre and university centre
- Demidoff Square, marvelous peaceful square with lots of trees
- Michelangelo Square, excellent place adapts to the lovers, especially at the sunset.
 Thanks to its marvelous and beautiful view, Michelangelo Square is one of the principal destination of many tourists who know this place. Very square of Florence give to the tourists indescribable emotions, because in every single square you can discover many and many details and masterpieces, works of art different from square to square.

Every year in every square of the whole city of Florence are organized traditional party, antique plays that attract the eyes of thousands of children and adults, mixing enjoying and cheerfulness with a little bit of history and antique Florentine tradition. Come to Florence and try to discover how many square you can!


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