Iris Garden is a green park immerse into the perfume of colorful flowers and it is not far from Piazzale Michelangelo. Iris Garden is a natural place where every year are organized demonstrations and competitions for the cultivation of predominant flowers inside Iris Garden: white and violet Iris (rose and yellow Iris color are most rare) which is the symbol of the coat of arms o Florence till the Thirteenth century period.
 In Iris Garden it is possible to see and admire an immense expanse of colorful Iris flowers which come from every part of the world. Besides of these immense and huge colorful expanse, inside Iris Garden you can also find cultivations of Iris Louisiana and Japanese Iris in their aquatic variety. Today the caretaker of this historical and antique Iris Garden is the Italian Society of Iris.

The Italian Society of Iris born in 1959 with the scope of protecting and cultivating Iris Garden.
Between the finality of this organization are the promotion of the Iris floriculture activities.
The Iris is one of the most beautiful flower you can see in Italy, a flower of rare beauty.
Do not waste your time and power to find where to stay… Come to visit Iris Garden, you will enjoy it!


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