"The Baptistery was dedicated to the Patron of the Florentine city: the St. John Baptist. It is one of the most illustrate monument collocated in front of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Its structure presents a rectangular shape and it has got a dome that is divided into 8 sections. Outside of the Baptistery is decorated with a white marble of Carrara and with a green one of Prato.

 Then you can see also several windows with kettledrums. Decorations inside the Baptistery are divided into 3  horizontals levels: the higher band includes the dome, the middle band includes the “matrons” and the last band is divided with columns made of marble and granite.
The most famous parts of the Baptistery are the mosaic of the dome with a golden background. In every single part of the dome it is possible to admire note figures, such as the “Universal Judgment”, the “Genesis’ Stories”, the “Stories of Giuseppe”, the “Stories of Maria and Christ” and the “Stories of St. John Baptist”. 
The realization of these works of art, according to some studious, were took Venetians  workers, such as Coppo di Marcovaldo who designed the “Hell”, Cimabue who created the Stories of Baptist and Meliore who painted the “Eden”.


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