The Palazzo Medici is also well-known as the “Palazzo Medici Riccardi”. The Palazzo Medici was built with a Renaissance style and it is situated in the heart of the Florentine city, in Italy. The Palazzo Medici was designed and built by the Italian architect Michelozzo, after the commission of famous Cosimo de’ Medici.

The works of the antique palace started only in 1444, becoming for many years the private residence of the Medici Family. Then the Medici Family moved to the Old Palace. After their moving, the Palazzo Medici was bought by the Riccardi Family. The Palazzo Medici Riccardi was one of the most beautiful palace built during the golden period of Florence.
Today the Palazzo Medici includes a famous museum where it is possible o see the notable Magi Chapel, a masterpiece of Benozzo Gozzoli created in 1461, portraying the Medici family.

Inside the Palazzo Medici there are many rooms where it is possible to admire fantastic works of art of the fifteenth century, singular masterpieces that nowadays it is rare to see.

Visiting this palace it does not mean only appreciate the art of the artist of a past time, but it also means to understand the antique tradition of centuries ago.


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