The Basilica of Santa Maria Novella is one of the most important Church situated in Florence. The Basilica of Santa Maria Novella is situated not far from the main railway station.

The Basilica of Santa Maria Novella enjoy of its fame thanks to its marvelous antique structure, to its cloister and to its chapterhouse which contains funerary monuments and a store of art treasures. Originally the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella was sort on the foundations of a oratory (that the name of the church Novella - New), then successively it was took by the “Domenicani”, to whom was admitted the firsts restructuring works.
The works was finished in the fourteenth century and immediately later it was consecrated by Pope Eugenio IV in the fifteenth century.

Inside the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella you can see a lot of pieces of art, and the most important works of art are:

- The Pulpit which was commissioned by the Rucellay Family and designed by Brunelleschi,
- The Filippo Strozzi Chapel in which you can see the first piece of art of Giovanni Boccaccio “Decamerone”,
- The Gondi Chapel where you can see the magnificent work of art of the “Crucifix”designed by Giuliano da Sangallo.
Many other monuments and works of art are waiting for your visiting. 


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