Botanical Gardens of Florence have also been called “Giardino dei
Semplici”. This denomination had been attributed to it because Botanical
Gardens borne as vegetable gardens in which had been cultivated
medicinal plants during the time of Cosimo I° dei Medici, precisely
talking in the fourty-five year of the Sixteenth century. The project of
these Botanical Gardens had been ideated by Cosimo I° dei Medici in
The Botanical Gardens of Pisa had been the first exemplar of
botanical garden dedicated to the University of Pisa. After many years,
Botanical Gardens had been changed into different aspects, enriched them
with rare plants.
The most important period of Florentine Botanical Gardens had been
during the first twenties years of the Eighteenth century, when Pier
Antonio Micheli founded the study of mushrooms, describing different
botanical species of mushrooms that were still unknown during that time.
Another important event was the foundation of the first Botanical Academy in Europe.
now Botanical Gardens are a natural open space well-known in all the
world, where it is possible to see collections of different species of
medical plants.
Botanical Gardens had always had an important role in the cultural overview of Florentine people.
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